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Watching Netflix

I just recently signed up again for Netflix.  I signed up once a few years ago and never really got into it, but right now it is like my new best friend.

I have been watching Last Tango in Halifax.  I saw a little bit of it on the first season, but not enough to say I knew entirely what it was about.  Now I am viewing an episode a day and really enjoying it.

I never even heard of the series Rescue Me, but I am enjoying that as well.  It certainly does not give reason for hope in its portrayal of humanity, but there is something about the Dennis Leary character communing with the dead that has me hooked.  There are seven seasons of that to get through.

I also have  Happy Valley  in my line up.

I used to read.  Now I am watching television.  I am not sure that is progress.


  1. Well, enjoy! We have never gotten into watching old TV series. We watch or record and watch the ones we like as they go along. There have been some good ones on premium channels that we don't get, so I guess if we ever run out of things to watch and don't want to read, they will be there. We haven't done Netfix, just Amazon Prime and Comcast On Demand.

  2. I enjoy Netflix. Right now, I'm watching The Sopranos again, and wondering if I was paying attention when I watched it the first time. I especially enjoy It's all British shows. Only costs about $4 per month.

  3. I cannot enjoy my Netflix to the full degree others can. Dish Satellite has what is called FAP (Fair Access Policy) and when you use too much of your allowed broadband each month, they cut you back to dial up speed. I do love to use it when I am on other WiFi access like in the doctor's waiting room or a restaurant to watch to my hearts content. It cuts the agony of wait time. I envy you being able to watch away the hours in your home.

  4. We've had Netflix for abt. two years now. It's got lots of TV programs (most of them you didn't want to watch when they were on TV so why would you want to watch them now?), and not very many good movies. IMHO it's a very limited service. Nevertheless, it's worth $8 a month. We watch Parenthood; and I watched Breaking Bad. Started Orange Is the New Black, and liked it for a while, but got tired of it. I think, before long, you'll find you'll still be using Netflix on occasion, but also going back to reading. Have fun!

  5. We just added Netflix streaming to our DVD account and there is so much more available on DVD -- especially newer movies. And many of the old movies that we get for Amara such as Pollyanna or any of those oldies are only available on DVD -- so we kept both. We just started watching Boss with Kelsey Grammer and we are really enjoying it. You might check it out. I sure don't take as much time to read as I used to...

  6. When you can watch a series episode each night it can be compelling and hook up a lot of your time. Last Tango in Halifax is certainly different. I had watch the Rescue me on and off for a few years. Now I am hooked on Mrs. Fisher's mysteries.

  7. I love Last Tango in Halifax! With the way this season ended, though, I'm wondering if it'll be back next year! I DVR movies and watch them On Demand, too, but I'm still an avid reader. No matter what's on TV, my books are better.

  8. Take a look at "Friday Night Lights".

  9. Wow, we are really behind the times. No Netflix. No HBO or premium channels, barely survive with Comcast on Demand.

  10. Enjoy Netflix, my son has it, its cheaper than cable, and the kids can watch their programming on a tablet.

  11. Oops, I cancelled Netflix. I guess I am a poor picker but I kept getting terrible movies, even those highly rated left me cold. Usually in the summer, I watch baseball almost every night so maybe I will get back into Netflix in September. Might check out some TV series. Thanks for the thought. I will always find time to read however.

  12. I don't know last tango in Halifax. Oh, I am so excited to try it. I especially like to watch things when I'm on the elliptical.

  13. Both my kids have Netflix, but I honestly have never checked it out. I have cable with far too many channels. But in order to get the few channels I do want the company "bundles" them with a bunch of others I rarely watch.
    I've given up trying to keep up. I have my favorite programs and that's pretty much all I watch. But the television is almost always turned on...a habit I learned from my mom.
    Enjoy you're watching!

  14. You're better than me. I rarely watch movies or TV. Tonight will be an exception when I will watch Hawaii Warrior Football.

  15. We gave up Netflix several months ago because we were traveling and then have been tied up working on photo albums and everything else. I did LOVE Foyle's War on Netflix though. We watched every single one. Also loved Doc Martin. Watched every one of those too.

  16. I'd be in the same issue as Granny, restricted bandwidth.


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