The prediction was for a rainy day, but it held off until evening. It wasn't until around 5 that the wind started picking up and thunder storms started rolling through.
I went to a yoga class at 6. It was so hot and humid that there was really nothing sticky about my sticky mat. I was sliding around in puddles of sweat. I don't see myself ever taking one of those Bikram hot yoga classes.
Not me, by the way.
So the rain did nothing to cool things off, but it was a pleasant shower. I am sure that I can hear the grass growing as I tap the keyboard.
I live where humidity is a rarity, and I might be odd but I enjoy when it does occur. Perhaps if I had to put with it daily, I'd be less enamored with it.
ReplyDeleteHope it cools off for you...but not too much!
My son who lives in Maine takes those hot yoga classes. He says he goes early in the morning and its about 90 degrees there! He missed going early one day and when to a later (not so hot) class with the "old ladies!" He said that was a lot harder because they are so "slow" that you have to hold the yoga pose a lot longer! He was really sore after that! Serves him right! Who's he calling an old lady? Ha Ha!
DeleteEileen, the humidity does nice things for one's skin. It's not all bad for sure..
DeleteCountry Girl, Oh those young whippersnappers! I guess I belong to the old lady camp because i prefer the holding poses classes to the "flow" classes...and I bring my own working furnace.
We have been having hot, humid days in Hawaii, lately, so the air conditioners are on during the day. Still, I prefer warm weather to icy cold. I absolutely hate snow and ice! Give me blue skies and sunshine any day.
ReplyDeleteEven with the heat yesterday, I did take a sweater to the grocery store--It is always freezing there.
DeleteI too love humidity... and Yoga, but am not interested in those hot yoga classes.
ReplyDeleteThere are a seeming infinite number of permutations on the general yoga theme these days. It took me a while to find the right class for me.
DeleteAh, but (at least for those of us who don't migrate south), isn't it nice to have some hot and humid weather after our long cold snowy winter?!?
ReplyDeleteIt is nice--even for those of us who do try to miss the worst of winter.
DeleteHope your weather gets better -- weren't you just suffering from cold and snow? I think yoga is wonderful for our health.
ReplyDeleteI can't really complain about the weather. Summer always seems way too fleeting here in Vermont.
DeleteIt's been a fine season so far. The rain is quite welcome here. Esp. after our drought in 2012~ I'm quite excited to babysit the grandkids for a week in July. I know you'd know how much fun that will be! tee hee
ReplyDeleteWe would sure like some of that rain here. Not here too
ReplyDeleteI do not do well in high humidity. Mugginess makes me grumpy.
ReplyDeleteI have to give you credit, doing yoga when it is hot. I just get miserable when it hot.
ReplyDeleteThen I listen to the weather people "Oh it will be 85 and just beeeeeaaaaaauuuuuuuutiful today." I would to jam one of their isobars up where the sun don't shine and its always 98 degrees.
I love thunder storms but I can gladly live without the humidity. It is one of the things about Michigan that I do not miss!
ReplyDeleteI came by to visit and see that you're taking yoga. I do a series of exercises every morning for core strengthening and balance. One is tree pose which I try to hold as long as possible (not long!).
ReplyDeleteI'm glad things cooled off for you. I hate it when we have Kona weather (hot, sticky and voggy). I can't imagine yoga being very comfortable when you're dealing with the heat.