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The Down Side to Visitors...

The weather has been cooperatively pleasant.  A long walk on the beach yesterday morning and a walk in the preserve today.  Sister and her husband went down town while I walked horses yesterday.  Lots of dining out.  Lots of laughter.  relaxing by the pool.

Down side?  They looked at the VT weather forecast for next week (highs in teens, lows below zero, snow) and have decided not to go back.

Lunch at Snook Haven

"old" Florida style.

Myakka River


  1. I've eaten there! My sister-in-law has a cat phobia and there were cats all over the place when we went. She was VERY uncomfortable. Guess you'll have company for awhile!

    1. We did not see cats, but with the number of feral cats around the area generally, I would not have been surprised to have seen them.

  2. I guess I can't blame them for not wanting to return to THAT! Yikes!
    You may have to slow down your activities and just enjoy some sitting around in the warm sun. That sounds wonderful!

    1. We have spent some relaxing time bobbing around in the pool and sampling local treats--shrimp, Key lime pie, etc.

  3. I warned you they wouldn't want to leave!

  4. They are smart. I guess next time you have visitors, you should have them sign a contract stating when they will leave.

    1. I am enjoying my sister's visit immensely, but a contract in general is probably not a bad idea. Mike was definitely of the "house guests and fish after three nights start to stink" approach.

  5. I would love to ride on that river boat. How idyllic. No wonder your guests don't want to leave.

  6. Well, now its time to put them to work. Cleaning, laundry, yard work. They won't mind at all. Myaaka...full of alligators when I canoed that river years ago.

    1. My B-I-L is so not a canoe enthusiast and I am not very good at doing anything but providing brute power in forward motion. Steering, stopping--these elude me. My sister was trying to convince the two of us to rent a canoe so she could take pictures for that funniest home video show. We did not indulge her.

  7. Our weather is much better than Vermont's and our weather sucks! Its 48 right now, had 1 inch of snow yesterday. Its going down to 18 tomorrow night and we will have snow again on Tuesday. Can't say as I blame your company for not wanting to leave.

    1. I am totally bummed that I have to head back myself at the beginning of April. If I did not have some commitments and things to take care of, I would change my flight home to the first of May.

    2. At the rate this winter is moving, I would say change your commitments and defer the things to take care of...first of May sounds good.

  8. I must admit that the only guests we have are the kids and grandkids. I have no patience anymore.
    I love your photos!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  9. I do enjoy having company, but quiet time is good too.

  10. Uh-oh! Love the beautiful photos!!

  11. I don't know about Vermont, but here is New York it's just starting to get nice. Sunny and in the 50s today; you just know spring is around the corner.

  12. Snook Haven looks like a great place to eat. It reminds me a bit of The Grist Mill in Guene, Texas (it sits on the Guadalupe River). Love your pics!

  13. I just hear that expression on Judge Judy yesterday about house guests and fish starting to stink after three days. She said she has it posted in every room at her home. lol What you need to watch out for now is more relatives wanting to join them....or even strangers like me heading your direction:)

  14. Ha, ha, from the looks of it at least you will have someone fun to sit with on the flight home. I love seeing the headlights of company arriving but also enjoy those taillights. That is unless they bring their own home (RV) like my brother.

  15. I can't say I blame them! This winter is a cling-on. The calendar may say spring, but Mother Nature has other ideas.

    Have fun!

  16. Beautiful green place you live in the winter! We had two sets of guests this year. One set slept on an air mattress that leaked every other night. The others stayed at the motel on the resort. Gave us together time as well as privacy.


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