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In the Bedroom

Now, I wonder if that will give my traffic an uptick.

 It's just a sampling of some of the other art work on my bedroom walls.


There have been a lot of rabbits around lately.  The hawks, an eagle, and a coyote have started hanging around as well--self service buffet.  The cycle of life keeps on rolling along.

 There were a bunch of them on the lawn this morning, but only one stuck around to have his picture taken.


  1. I love Asian (especially Japanese) art, and I have a lot incorporated with traditional settings here. My uncle (whom I never knew) collected a lot of it which I eventually owned.
    Cute little bunnies -- they must know that Easter is just three weeks away.

  2. I am interested to know what sparked your interest in Asian art.

    1. The bedroom set that came with the house has a very oriental flare so I went with it.

  3. That title should definitely get you some traffic! Your art is beautiful -- I especially love that second one. And who wouldn't love a bunny!

  4. Your art is lovely, especially the wall hanging from the previous post and the birds against the sun. Beautiful.

  5. The title might get you some additional traffic, as you say, esp. if readers know the subject matter is rabbits!

  6. Beautiful artwork and what a cute bunny!

  7. Look at the brown bunny! Ours is still definitely white, I keep hoping he will turn color as it might bring spring.

    Good luck with the extra traffic.

  8. Ron almost ran over an abandoned little baby rabbit on the tractor once. He carried it in the house for me to try to save. Everything on the internet said there was not much chance of saving an infant rabbit but did give some suggestions for trying. I followed the suggestions and lo and behold, we managed to rescue this little fellow and eventually turn him loose. He stayed around the house for a while before he finally bid us adieu and I like to think he is still alive and well on our Kansas property.

  9. I like the Asian motif on your walls.
    There are no bunnies jumping around here in Hawaii.

  10. That last picture wouldn't open for me.
    I always wonder just what the Asian symbols REALLY mean. Could it just be a joke on us?
    Titles including bed, sex or nude really pick up the traffic for a while:)

    1. You made me laugh! I also wonder what exactly those symbols really mean. Supposed to be peace and shells, but who knows for sure?

  11. Good luck with getting more traffic. Love the bunny photo. Is he hiding your Easter Eggs?

  12. I like the flowing beauty of Asian calligraphy. When are you returning to VT? (Or - since I've been off for awhile, maybe you've already made the return trip?)


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