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This and That...

My credit card came overnight, no hassle involved at all.  What a pleasant surprise for me!

I had the grapefruit tree in the yard taken out yesterday.  I kind of hate to get rid of another tree, but it is way too much work to take care of the tree and the fruit when I am not here all the time and I don't eat grapefruit very much and rarely drink the juice.  Fruit that falls on the ground and does not get picked up right away can attract rats.  I don't want to deal with that.

Now there is a large spot of mildew on the back wall that is visible since the tree is gone.  I will have to spray that.  It's also time to weed and mulch the flower beds and shrubs around the property.  I have a stone walkway from the carport to the shed that does not seem to have anything under the stones but some dirt.  That means weeds pop up and ants burrow in.  I look at it and wonder how I should tackle that...or IF I should tackle that.

The literacy program, my volunteer job, was not in session today.  I thought about what to do with my morning off, but then I told myself that I had volunteered my time so I went to the horse barn and spent the morning scrubbing horse stalls.  And I do mean scrubbing.  No need to head to the Y for an exercise class today.

Google Image


  1. Seems like you've been busy. I agree that sometimes a tree needs to be sacrificed for greater good.

  2. I just read a gardening article that said if you put wet newspaper down, then cover it well with soil, weeds will not grow. I can't try it yet because we still have frozen ground and snow, but it may be an answer for your weeds. Good for you in doing that volunteer job -- most people would have done nothing. You inspire me with your goodness.

    1. I use the wet newspapers covered with a mulch in my flower beds. Of course weeds will always find a way to grow, but it does help keep them down to a manageable level.

    2. Aren't you missing all the snow up North? Ha Ha!

  3. I should be like you and get involved as a volunteer. Glad your day was productive.

  4. I love how you keep busy and refuse to slow down. You are a good model for me.

  5. You are just an amazing woman! And inspiring.

  6. I am absolutely amazed at your energy level. I'd like to borrow some. Have a terrific weekend, Olga. Do you ever rest?

  7. I also want to be busy like you, but i am not able to do. Taking care of tree is a very big job.

  8. I retired early--and I am so glad that I did because it gave me precious time to spend with Mike. I have plenty of relax time! I have no desire to go back to work now because I like being able to control my own schedule and I know by now that I can manage on my retirement income for the time being. Still, I like the little bit of structure that a volunteer job lends to my weeks, I absolutely need a certain amount of physical activity, and it feels good to be helpful. I would not say that is amazing--it is my way of being grateful for health at the moment.

    1. I know whereof you speak, Olga. Good for you!

  9. I have seen unattended fruit trees left by part time "Yankees"(I mean that term in the kindest way since I was born one) and the smell of decaying fruit is not neighbor friendly. It was a mercy killing.
    Lucky you to have horses to be around. Sure beats regimented exercise.

  10. I love all of your reasons for volunteering! You set a wonderful example for all of us. I do mine at Amara's school and it really does make me feel better (and younger!)

  11. Olga, if only I had half your energy. Would it be a terrible thing if you rested?

    Ron used to put down an old section of carpet and then poke holes in it to plant. This kept most weeds out of the garden. People always wondered why he claimed their carpet that was out for the garbage collector. He also planted potatoes in tires and stacked them. As we needed potatoes we would take off a level starting at the top.

  12. Love the grapefruit; hate the mildew and the rats, so guess you did the right thing.

    1. Florida citrus is not faring so well right now. I do hope there is a solution on the horizon.

  13. I have to say that those horse stalls look *very clean*. We have a stables close by and although they are clean... they are not THAT clean. Good work to all the volunteers there.

  14. The horse place is having a fund raising gala this weekend and they want everything to look spiffy. My picture is from Google Images, not the actual stalls that I cleaned. The stable where I volunteer is not quite so grand, but it is very well cared for and now I truly know how much goes into the care of horses. This has been a great learning experience for me.

  15. Scrubbing horses - my granddaughter would love you! I just read about this natural solution for weeds Obviously, I haven't tried it yet!


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