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Do you listen to Tom Brokaw's radio spot, An American Story?  He announced to listeners that he has an "incurable but treatable" type of lung cancer.  This was also on the television news, but his radio spot included tips for connecting with friends and family who may have the "full time job" that is cancer.

His spot this morning caught my attention.  It was about "there's a pill for that."  In this case, the announcement was a pill that scientists are hopeful will work in the brain in such a way that will stimulate language learning in adults AND/OR will allow musical abilities to flourish.  Being tone deaf and unable to carry a tune in a bucket, as they say, I am quite excited.

Tom wasn't impressed though.  He wants a pill that would enable him to slam dunk a basketball.

Maybe we should just stick to our own God-given talents.

Well, of course, somebody's God-given talent is developing pills to fix the rest of I guess I had better end this post.


  1. Hey, Olga, I'm not much for *pills*... but I wouldn't mind if they developed an "app for that".

  2. I, too, dislike taking pills for everything. My husband is the opposite, though. He'll take a pill for anything!

    1. Every once in great while I skip my daily vitamin or my calcium just because I can't face swallowing another pill.

  3. Right now, I am pill weary. Sadly we all too often want a quick fix pill to give us what we lack. Dare I mention Viagra?
    Think you are right. You and I will just have to continue to lip sync Happy Birthday. It has worked so far.

    1. I saw your reaction to medication on your blog. Your face was more swollen than mine, but at least it was not purple. And you "after" selfie looks great.

  4. There are too many pills for this and that that side effects that go with them. Now, a pill to end cancer would be another story. I want a pill to end cancer and one to end mental illness.

    1. That would be far more important and beneficial than adding more voices to the church choir. Somebody has to be the audience.

  5. I'd like one that would make my eyes as good as they were 30 years ago.

    1. My eyes, unfortunately, are as good (or as bad, more accurately) as they were 30 years ago.

  6. There have been some serious breakthroughs in cancer research and treatments this year and I am waiting to here more success stories.

  7. Picking up on Linda Myers theme, I would like to be able to take these damn sleeping pills and actually sleep while still being able to see clearly while I'm awake. Still tired, but now with bleary vision.

    1. It seems as though the side effects can be as bad or even worse than the original condition. An asthma medication that may result in asthma-related death...what?

  8. I agree it would be wonderful to be able to sing -- or to draw -- but a pill for the important stuff would be much better, Parkinson's would likely be at the top of my wish list.

  9. We have a pill for everything providing that it is a pill that we have to take for the rest of our lives. The track record of the Rx industry for creating short term medications and antibiotics has not been too great in the past two or three decades. The cashola is in life long meds. They will probably have to come up with a pill to aid your liver in handling all the medications that the pharmaceutical industrial complex want to shove down our throats.

    1. You have given me an idea for a post. I do wish I had taken a picture of the piles of pills that Mike was taking...and some of them to counter the effects of others.

  10. One of Ron's nurses sat right by Ron's bed and said, "You know they can cure cancer but it would just mean such a loss of jobs and million dollar income for so many doctors and drug companies that they can't make it known." It was enough to trouble my brain as I sit here without my spouse and get angry thinking, "What if that is true?"

    1. Oh, Annie, what a terrible thing to have said. Bedside manner???

  11. It is our unique talents and unique differences that gives this world its' flavor....... If everyone in the choir sang the same note there would be no harmony!

  12. There's all kinds of pills I would love to have to fix all kinds of problems I have. Tsk! Not anytime soon though. I'm having fun catching up with you, Olga. I've been madly trying to write posts to schedule for a trip we'll be "secretly" taking to Southeast Asia where we'll be visiting our son.


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