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Monday Mash

Condolences to those in Bronco country, but congratulations to Sea Hawk fans. I understand the the young bucks wiped the floor with the old guys.  Linda Reeder and must be over the moon!!

I myself did not watch the game.  I clicked through the channels, but I guess I don't have the right channel programmed into my favorites list.  I was just waiting for Downton Abbey to start anyway.

Mike knew even less about football than I.  He would not have been able to tell you it was a Broncos-Sea Hawks matchup.  He would be checking out the commercials on line right now though.


Some of you learn important stuff everyday.  I myself learned that there is such a thing as bitchy resting face.  Another thing to worry about.  I definitely have it...probably invented it.  People have felt free to tell me I look mean/angry all my life.  But I have  dimple when I smile so then that makes them feel bad.  (I guess that is kind of a bitchy thought itself.  Oh, well.)


I hope everyone has a happy, prosperous Chinese New Year...year of the wooden horse.

I helped some kids make a dragon for their parade.  It was really quite something in action.


I understand the ground hog is predicting six more weeks of winter.  So is the calendar and the vernal equinox.


The temps went up into the 80's by 9 a.m. yesterday.  Everybody in Florida (seemed like) went to the beach.  And why not?  It was a beautiful day.


Here is an important tip for yoga class: Do not wear an underwire bra.  Learn from my mistakes.


  1. We are not football fans, but watched the debacle anyway. It was an excuse to make and eat guacamole, chicken drumsticks and wings, and chocolate ice cream.

    1. Yeah, the food thing is getting to be like preparing for Thanksgiving.

  2. I watched, but it was painful to see such a sad game. I like my scores to be so close you don't know who will win until it is over! Yoga & underwire...yikes!

  3. Well, my husband is a total sports freak, so he did watch the game. I checked the commercials. Glad to hear Florida is so warm, but sorry about the yoga mishap.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We watched the game, if you want to call it that, enjoyed most of the commercials and had a traditional eat-a-thon!!!

    1. I did not watch and did not snack. My father would have been so disappointed in me.

  6. I too did not watch just kept flipping channels and now and again checked the score but mostly to catch one of their commercials. Too bad commercials like these are just saved for the big game. My ex did not keep up with it either except maybe for the Cowboys. Then you might of got his attention.
    I think you have a beautiful face not sure I understand what their talking about. Don't listen to them. lol
    Wish I got the channel Downtown Abby is on because I hear so much about it.
    Thanks honey for taking the time to come by and leaving a sweet comment. You always make me feel good.
    I think of you often

  7. It's great you have dimples, Olga. I have bags under my eyes. Which is preferable? Lol.

  8. Good to know I am not the only football scrooge in the country. I could care less who played or who won. I did watch some of the commercials online and they were disappointing.

    Bitchy resting face! I must have the bastardly resting face. I have carefully cultivated it over the years.

    1. Now that I know it is a thing, I notice it a whole lot.

  9. I checked in from time to time and watched in amazement while the lopsided score got higher and higher. Glad I didn't waste my time watching must have been a pitiful effort.

    Good to know about the underwire bra and yoga, though I wear the full elastic support bras (I've had a wire or two pop in the past).

    And I know I have a bitchy resting face..and no dimples.. :)

    1. I guess the game was a big disappointment to all but the Seahawk fans.

  10. So very glad my husband doesn't like football -- it was a nice quiet afternoon and I did flip on the Puppy Bowl a couple of times!

    1. Mike and I often went to a movie on Super Bowl day.

  11. I hope you enjoyed Downton Abbey. I am a big fan, although I always seem to have to wait for it on Netflix. I did manage to catch the first episode this season. I did not watch the big game either.
    Just busy doing other things.

    1. I did enjoy it but Netflix binge watching has its appeal.

  12. Watched a little of the game, but got bored. Checked back to see Bruno Mars, though, and we liked him. We missed Downton Abbey, but caught up on it tonight on our secondary PBS channel.

    1. I have heard the name Bruno Mars (thanks to a 12 year old grand daughter, I guess) but I don't think I could pick him out in a line up.

  13. I was not compelled to watch the Super Bowl. My choice of viewing pleasure for Sunday was the movie LAST VEGAS. Oh please God, do not put me through that again. I should have watched football which I do not understand at all instead of four horny old men try to reconcile their reasons for living (mostly size D female breasts) and being led to the real reasons my Mary Steenburgen whom is not among my favorite actors. I did make myself some nice snacks however.

  14. Hi There, I just read your comment on Sally's blog (Retired English Teacher). You mentioned Venice, FL---so that caught my attention. My first husband and I lived there in the '70's when Venice was much smaller. Hubby worked at Grace Methodist Church there (Director of Music) --and I taught voice and piano lessons, and volunteered for the Venice Little Theater. We lived in the parsonage across from the church --and could wake up hearing the elephants from the Ringling Bros winter home nearby... We loved that area --but I know that it has really changed. Do you winter down there each year???? I'd love to hear more about Venice.


    1. We have been wintering in Venice for 8 or 9 years now. It changes from year to year. The circus building has been falling apart, but there is an effort now to save it. I really do like it here--spend a little more time here each year.

  15. Love catching up with you! I watched the game but only because the pets were piled on top of me and the remote was across the room!

  16. The 80's how awesome!! PS Thought you would be interested in the giveaway I'm hosting for! xoxo

  17. The groundhog is right 50% of the time in Chicago, but we always KNOW there's going to be six more weeks of winter there.

    I had an operation on my jaw which killed a nerve so that if I'm not careful, only one side of my lips go up which makes it look more like a sneer. Tsk...

    Yae! I've replaced all my underwire bras with wireless. :-)


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