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I have recently had dreams in which I am entering a house.  I open the front door and flocks of birds fly out.  Last night, as part of the dream, i was thinking, "Well, these birds just keep getting into the house somehow so I better check out how they can be doing that."  I found a broken window and called my brother to help me fix it.

Since I have had the dream a couple of times and since I seem to have been making the deja vu connection even in my dream, I looked up a dream dictionary.

I did not contact any of the earnest looking psychics wiling to chat with me, but I did find this interesting to think about:

To see birds in your dream symbolize your goals, aspirations and hopes. To dream of chirping and/or flying birds, represent joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has  lifted off your shoulders.

To dream that you are fixing or replacing a broken window indicates that you are reassessing your view and outlook on life. You are gaining a new perspective on things.

Also as a part of last night dreams, I found a baby in a basket.  It did not seem to be a surprise.  It was a Chinese baby dressed in a silk jacket, deep navy blue with gold designs.

To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings.  Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you dream that the baby is smiling at you, then it suggests that you are experiencing pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential.

Well, I can't wait for all this joy to catch up with me in my waking life!


  1. Well, it sounds like you have a very promising and hopeful future ... may we all dream of birds and babies tonite!

  2. Hmmm. Well, OK, I guess some people's dream lives are richer than others.
    This would not be a pleasant dream for me. I would just want to get the damn birds out of my house!

  3. Just so you didn't see Alfred Hitchcock:)

  4. I have read that dreams are nothing but random thoughts and images and our brains in a certain stage of awareness tries to make a rational story out of them--a task akin to constructing a story by pulling random strips out of a shredder. In my flakey woo woo readings, I have read that they are flashes of the workings of the Soul, and there is no way we (a 4 dimensional rationality) are going to understand the actions of the transcendent. Repetitive dreams would seem to violate both those statements. Perhaps dreams follow Jungian like archetypes and may be open to analysis, and then again maybe the human brain is just complex enough that our dreams are our own creations and trying to interpret them through a standard set of meanings is a fool's errand.

    In any event, interesting dreams and as long as you don't find them upsetting, enjoy.

    1. And a different site would offer a different interpretation so i don't take all that too seriously. I do like to search for meaning and messages though.

  5. My goodness. I can't believe you remember your dreams, as I don't. I hope these dreams of yours do indicate a happy life and future for you.

  6. After reading sextant's post, not sure if I want to look at my dreams again. I rarely dream, or perhaps, rarely remember what I dream.

    1. I tend to remember those dreams in which I at some point have the still dreaming realization that I am in fact dreaming. Maybe it is related to my poor sleep efficiency (that's what it said in my sleep study report).

  7. Gosh, you have interesting dreams and how nice that all that joy is on the horizon. I may check out that site tomorrow. I have all ready forgotten last nights.

  8. Those are quite interesting dreams and interpretations. I hope they truly do forecast the joy in your life, you deserve it!

  9. In my dream book, they say the house represents the soul. I used to have a ton of repeating dreams, I forget the right word. about homes being flooded!
    Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  10. I love reading about dream meanings. My dad's mom, whom I never knew, was Scottish, and she always translated dreams. I wish she had written down some of the meanings.

  11. These interpretations are so positive - I like all of them! Weight lifting, new perspective, and joy are hard to beat!

  12. I can't help but believe that our dreams take us to a different plain. I've just had to many dreams that touched reality not to believe. I'm glad yours are positive and uplifting but I completely agree -- another site or book might interpret them completely differently. But there is something about dream state....

  13. Hmmm. Wish I could dream about birds and babies. In my dreams I am always lost somewhere without my travel documents.

  14. Prior to Art's angiogram I had nightmares that he had to wake me from where something was trying to hunt me down... vampires, etc. After his angiogram, I've been nightmare free again.


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