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Fashion Found in Funny Places

When I was working, one thing I could count on was a miserable cold from late September into October.  An advantage to retirement is that I am no longer exposed to that concentration of germs in a confined space as one typically finds in a classroom.   Colds have become a rare thing for me.  The sound you hear now is me knocking on wood so as to not jinx myself be making a statement like that.

In the working days I bought tissues for the softness on my nose, but I was never immune to the look of the box.  This designer development would indicate that I am not the only one to use tissue boxes as a piece of room decoration.

 None of my tissue boxes are designer originals as far as I know, but I did think about what might go in each spot when I shopped for them.

Then, of course, there is the tall, round box designed to fit in my car cup holder.  I think it would do with some design work myself, but it is convenient.  Even though I don't have a cold, I do tend to sneeze every day--sensitive to smells, dust, etc.

I wonder with all the fashion lines attached to Hollywood celebrities and reality TV personalities, if real fashion designers with actual training and experience, like Isaac Mizrahi (whom I think is absolutely adorable) has to branch out to paper products just to make a living.  Do you think?


  1. I always called my classrooms "Human Petri Dishes!" I somewhat became immune to the germs after a year or two, then started all over when I moved to a new school. I, too, like the boxes to match the room decor, but my husband couldn't care less, and he's my shopper. In my classroom, I had a needlework cover for the little cubes. I'm now picturing how your designer boxes would look!

  2. The tall thin box got me! Something that fits in a cup holder? I have not seen that. I went to Target and Bed. Bath and Beyond for tissue covers and then I can buy whatever is one sale...even if it has holiday themes.

  3. No more designer tissue for me. Remember my allergy to formaldehyde? Any tissue that is soft, white and absorbent contains formaldehyde. Now, I buy plain unbleached and formaldehyde free (plain!) tissues in nondescript boxes.

    1. HA! I wonder if it is the tissues that are making me sneeze every day??

  4. Yep. No classroom full of kids, no more colds. Worked for me too.
    And I do think it is a commentary on our standard of living that we can actually be concerned about how stylish our tissue boxes are, and even pay a bit more for boxes that match our decor. I often think of that as I do it too.

  5. I hardly ever sneeze or have colds nowadays. But I do use Vizine eye drops for dry eyes, so I need a box of tissues to wipe the excess moisture off my face. David buys them in bulk at Costco. Pretty boxes.

  6. I simply carry one of my husband's red bandana handkerchiefs:) But I do keep tissues for guests. I don't get real carried away with designs but I would if they came in red bandana boxes:)

  7. My involvement with tissue boxes ends at the supermarket. They are on the top shelf and my wife can't reach them. "That one, that one, no the other, that one." What becomes of them I have no idea.

    I keep a roll of toilet paper next to the computer, my reading chair, and bed. That used to drive my wife crazy, but she has long given up. A friend of mine that has allergies had a cheap toilet paper dispenser attached to his dash board on all old truck. I haven't quite got that far.

  8. I am left speechless, wordless, whatever. Toilet paper?

    1. Well it certainly is not a fashion statement but it works well, is economical and because I have constant tearing in my eyes, I believe it to be gentler.

  9. I admit that I do look for pretty tissue boxes when I buy them. I do have them for guests in our living room and in my office for me. :-)

  10. That cup holder tissue box is a great idea! Gotta look for it. But honestly, I mostly use paper towels ... for their strength. To each his own!

  11. It is interesting when you begin to notice the objects in our homes and ponder where they came from and who made them and the talent involved! Wow!

  12. We bought a tissue box cover. It's lovely!

  13. I love this! I never gave my kleenex boxes much thought -- I was more concerned with the tissues inside. I must reconsider my shopping habits!


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