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Warning!  if you are winter weary, tired of ice and snow, shoveling,  high fuel bills, and four layers of sweaters, you may hate me for posting these pictures.

(Yes, I know Miss Ginnie, some of you already do!)

You know you are welcome to come for a visit.

These pictures are from Monday's walk.  It was a beautiful day with a warm breeze from the south but there was hardly a soul on the beach.  Just as I was leaving the beach i did run into a woman I knew and had a long chat.

It started raining this afternoon and this is the view from my carport.  I went to a yoga class this morning and then to the dentist.  I lost another cap and had to have that repaired.  Geez, I am slowly but surely falling to pieces.

Yesterday I went to a yoga class and then to the eye doctor because I had to get another pair of glasses to replace the pair mangled in my bike accident.

Even though the opticians were advertising two pairs for 80 bucks. even no-line progressives, my one pair cost me $250.  This is actually not a bad price at all for a pair of my glasses; I had no illusion that I would get two for $80!!

My tooth cost $275.  I don't have dental insurance.  It could have broken in the accident, but no, it waits until I am flossing.  My reward for trying to be good about my dental hygiene because I don't have insurance.

Tomorrow, no yoga class as it is my volunteer day, but I will probably be able to pick up my repaired bike and be prepared to drop another $275.  I plan to get a new helmet as well as pay for the bike repairs.

My budget watch dog at will be hyperventilating.


  1. I picked up my new glasses this afternoon, having also crashed in the previous pair. Mine were $250 after $150 insurance coverage. Yours sound like a good deal compared to mine.
    We are finally getting some rain here in Seattle, and snow in the mountains.
    I would love to go for a walk on that sunny, uncrowded beach!

  2. I ordered my new glasses yesterday - lost them somewhere last Saturday when Art went to the hospital. The frames are five years old so it was nice to have an excuse to replace them. I got them at Costco, progressive trifocals, for $220. Cheapest pair in ages!

  3. As I viewed your beach pictures I was listening to my hissing radiators working hard to keep us warm from the snow and cold outside my window! Yup- lots of snow in Jersey! Enjoy the sun and beaches in the sunny south. I did hear that it was a might chilly there too.

  4. I've been back home only a week, and I'm winter weary already. So, thanks for the mini-vacation.

  5. Ooohh...I'm so envious of the beach photos. Of spending the money on dentist, glasses and bike, not so much!

    Enjoy the weather.

  6. Please post lots of beach photos! Beautiful! I have never seen the ocean and would love to sit on that beach and read a book. I am glad your bike was able to be repaired. You never told us how that wreck happened. I hope you have recovered from the bumps and bruises. I just got new glasses last summer. Mine were just under $700 for one pair due to the strength of my prescription and I checked prices all over town before I ordered them. I have trifocals, thin lens because otherwise frames couldn't hold them (and they still look like coke bottle lens), and transition lens. I wish Medicare covered eyeglasses and hearing aides.

  7. Lovely photos. Sorry to hear of all your expenses, that bike accident was very expensive as well as painful.

  8. Going for yoga class is very good for body and mind. All your medicals are expensive i think. Be careful while traveling to avoid accidents.

  9. My daughter loves to practice yoga while exercising to yoga videos. She also likes Hot Yoga, which she attends at a special class in town. I prefer hula. I am glad you have sufficient funds for all of your bills.

  10. Rats, I was willing to go to Little Rock for those 2 for $79 glasses. I have never gotten any for under $300 so I'd say ya done good. Keeping a body in repair sure is expensive. Maybe you should get a helmet with a face mask. Kidding of course. That was your last spill.

  11. Ahhh, the beach looks great! Sorry about all the pricey repairs -- both yours and your equipment!

  12. You sound much better. What a time you've had! I'm wrestling with hubby's catheter. No fun... sigh.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  13. My insurance doesn't cover eye care and I have really been putting it off because I know new glasses and contacts is going to break the bank. Glad you are doing better!

  14. Those are lovely beach pictures. Ouch with the tooth though. $275 is painful!


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