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Another Day

Well my meatless Monday came in handy last night!  Oatmeal that just slid down without the need for chewing.  Yogurt for breakfast and a mashed potato for lunch.  Tonight I making some tomato soup in the crock pot.  My face is pretty swollen on the left side.  It is actually easier to see using my smashed up glasses because they adjust better to the asymmetry.  Tylenol seems to be taking care of the aches and pains though.  The pharmacist recommended Tylenol because of my blood pressure medication and I am just happy that I don't feel the need for the strong stuff.

The purple is now a big circle around my left eye so eye shadow is not going to be of much help.  My lip is actually black and blue.  Hard to believe that some starlets actually pay money to get this bee-sting effect. It's quite annoying.

I divided up my orchid bouquet and have been enjoying flowers in every room.  As many pointed out, Radiant Orchid is the Pantone Color of the Year.  I am not usually not so much up on the fashion trends, but here I am with orchid orchids, an orchid trimmed tissue box, and a matching purple face.

I got a call from InStride today and they would like me to work in their literacy program which takes place on Thursday mornings.  It is not my choice of a time slot, but it is apparently what they most need doing right now.  I warned them, but they may take one look on Thursday and decide I would scare the little kids.  We shall see.  I really got a nice feel about the place at the orientation so I am looking forward to spending some time there.

Today has been quite gloomy outside.  I had a little bit of gardening to finish up from my labors over the weekend, but several rain showers saved me the effort of dragging out the hose to water some new plants.  A rabbit ate all my parsley.
Silly rabbit!  I am pretty sure it has a burrow next to the air conditioner.  I also have heard that there has been a coyote lurking about, so that rabbit better watch out.


  1. Oh no! All around the eye? Isn't that like Linda too? Poor Olga. I'm so sorry. Kids will understand once you let them know what happened. It might teach them to be more careful.

  2. Glad you remain upbeat. I'd say orchid looks good on you - but not sure about on the face! Glad you'll be involved in literacy and not shoveling manure!

  3. You have a good sense of humor which means you will heal with time. In a week you will be almost back to your old self. I wish you well!!

  4. You poor thing. I can picture you showing up, them sending you home are finding who has been abusing you.
    Take good care.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  5. You might scare the kids, but it could be a learning experience for them. Here's to hoping that spectrum of color disappears real soon!!!

  6. I'm glad Tylenol is keeping the pain under controlled. I love tomato soup. Hope it was good.

  7. While I was at the grocery store this morning I noticed a few people looking at me, not exactly staring, and then I remembered, Oh, my purple face. I do forget about it most of the time now that everything is back to normal size and shape except for the knot on my forehead. But you hurt and that is not fun.
    I hope you love your volunteer work. don't worry about looking scary. It will be a good ice breaker.

  8. Those orchids are lovely. I am glad your volunteer effort at the horse therapy place will distract you from what happened to you. It's always nice to get out of the house anyway.

  9. So glad you are doing better but when I saw your picture, I wondered about eating. Your poor mouth looked so sore. Hope your colorfulness fades soon and you can kick the Tylenol.

  10. Such a fashionista! I'm glad to see that your little foray into the world of colored faces hasn't dampened your wit! Good luck with those kids. Maybe you could tell them you're trying out to be a clown?

  11. The color is pretty on you but next time just buy a new eye shadow! Ouch... hope you feel better soon!

  12. The color is pretty on you but next time just buy a new eye shadow! Ouch... hope you feel better soon!

  13. I'm glad that Tylenol is helping -- not fun! Hope you are 100% soon! Liquid diets are not fun.

  14. I started reading this post and immediately knew I had missed something so went back to your previous post and read about your accident. Hope the Tylenol is helping. Sounds like you are once more showing your attitude of perseverance. Don't let the coyote get the rabbit and don't let the bike wreck get you down.

  15. I hope the Tylenol helps with pain, but I expect time is going to be healer of all the bruises, cuts and scrapes.

    Good luck with the literacy program. I'm sure the children will be curious but amazingly accepting!

  16. Your attitude cheers me up. I hope it has made this all easier for you. I love the various orchid bouquets about the house. I'm also glad you are going to doing this volunteer work. You may get a few looks, but children, while being curious, usually quite kind.

  17. I am so glad you survived your bike accident! What a scary experience! - I admire your get up and keep going attitude. Better than wollowing in self pity! Hope the kids didn't mind the bruises. They were probably interested in hearing your story! -- Stay safe!


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