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Sweater Weather

I have seen the pictures posted by Northern family and friends on Facebook.  It looks like ice castles everywhere.  Beautiful in its way, but in real life a big pain to be without electricity.

The Florida weather prediction is for "sweater weather" for the next few days.  I won't feel bad about having to wear long sleeves and pants for a while.  The glare off my white skin was beginning to bother my eyes.

My neighbors invited me to a neighborhood get together for Christmas dinner.  It was a delightful al fresco meal with good people.

Tomorrow I have a haircut scheduled--badly needed since I have not had even a trim since I was down here in October.  I will also be able to pick up my bicycle.  I took it in for a tune-up/safety inspection just to be on the safe side.  I am looking forward to having it to ride.

I did some investigating around some volunteer opportunities, but have not nailed anything down as yet.  I also looked into the area offerings for yoga classes.  I have a free pass to try out the YMCA.  I hope I like it because that is really the best deal, but I have a few other places to check out as well.

One day at a time.

And I have started reading again so that is a good sign.


  1. We have sweater weather and parka weather and I just got down shoveling two inches of zero accumulation. It is supposed to get up in the 40s over the weekend so some relief is in sight.

    It sounds like your get together was very nice. It is good to share a meal with nice people. Hope your bike is in tip top shape.

  2. I remember getting excited about sweater weather Florida.
    I do envy you your bike. I rode when I was just in Florida and realized how very much I missed that simple pleasure.
    Good luck with your hair cut. Breaking in a new beautician is kind of pot luck.
    Enjoy checking out all your options.

    1. No breaking in required--he has cut my hair when I am in Florida for several years now.

  3. Good for you. I am glad you had somewhere to go on Christmas. My younger daughter wasn't invited anywhere, unfortunately.

  4. I am glad to hear your are reading and looking for volunteer opportunities. Sounds like you are getting settled in. A bike! How fun! I have never been to Florida so I can not even imagine what it is like so please post photos of just everything you come across. How long will you stay in Florida?

    1. I will be here until April. Pictures will be posted!

  5. I'm happy to hear you had an invite for Christmas. I wondered about that. Sounds like you are well on your way to getting a routine for your Florida life.

  6. It was my hope to become a bicycle rider. Got my bike all fixed up and slowly started wobbling around the property trying to get the feel of it again. Soon my old confidence was creeping up on me and off I went. The neighbors waved and me and (big mistake) I waved back. Down I went. Hit my knee. It took several weeks to heal. The bike went back in the barn. Something tells me you are a very skilled bike rider:)

    1. As with most things in my life, not so much skilled as stubbornly determined!

  7. Being in California I can't help but feel a little guilty that it is going to be 82 here today. SO glad I don't have to deal with that cold and ice. As for volunteering -- you are so talented that anyone will be glad to have your help. Good luck.

  8. Good for you, I'm sure anyone would be grateful for your volunteer efforts.

    What are you reading?

    1. I just finished A Sensible Life by Mary Wesley and I want to read Wesley's biography now. I am currently reading Anne Lamotte's Stitches.

  9. Hi Olga, I read some back posts and now this - you sound as though you're settling in and keeping active. Do you wear a helmet to bike? Is there a bike path? I did some Yoga this Am and my sore back (from skiing) actually feels so much better. You'll have to show a pic of your new hair cut. I'm trying to grow mine out - I usually get about this length and cave by getting it cut short again! Happy 2014, Olga. Stay well.

    1. There are bike paths and bike friendly neighborhoods aplenty, but then also some highways to get across. Now that I don't have Mike to call, I am more cautious about where I venture--at least for the time being. I do wear a helmet even though I hate it because it is the smart and safe way to go.

  10. I love how you just move along. You do way more than I can manage! I lack the drive to be fit:(

  11. A ride on your bicycle will be a wonderful exercise.


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