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Why I Love My Sewing Machine

I was in the mood for some sewing and I had some fabric stashed away.  Go figure.  (from Pinterest: No, doctor, it is not a hoarding disorder.  It's my fabric stash.)

As the machine hummed along, I considered how much I love my NECCHI.

It has a cutting and edge stitch capability that gives a nice finished edge to seams.

It does buttonholes with no guessing.

And it makes it so much easier to put the buttons on neatly.

Of curse the cutting step generates a great deal of lint and that requires a good cleaning after its use.

You can see that the dust and lint could build up quickly and cause a problem.

I did not have to figure out how to do this on my own,  Mike taught me how to clean, oil, and lubricate my sewing machine.  He had a job in high school helping to maintain industrial sewing machines in a dress factory.  (Have I mentioned lately, How much I miss that man?)

And the finished jacket:


  1. Fifteen years ago I asked a sewing friend of mine to use my machine at her house since I never used it. It's still there, and I am fine with that.

    I do envy you, though, your talent.

  2. Your jacket came out so cute! Now if my machine would do all that I might actually get inspired to pull it out of the closet.

    Of course you miss him.

  3. Love that machine. Does an awesome job. The jacket turned out so cute, the lining really compliments the blue!!

    1. That lining fabric spoke to me. Lately, if something makes me happy, I go with it!

  4. I have two sewing machines with a lot of nifty doo-dads. I haven't used them in a while, but maybe I'll try again, if I can get some help. Love the jacket!

    1. I so admire your determination and perseverance. MS has taken so much from you, but you keep your life so full. If your machine is like mine, the sewing part would be doable. Do you have a designated cutter?

  5. Very cute jacket! My mother sewed beautifully, as you do. She made all my clothes. My memories of her include the hum of her old Singer and the sound of her scissors cutting fabric on the top of our 1950's chrome kitchen table.... I loved those sounds. That is wonderful that Mike taught you how to care for your machine. Of course you miss him, he sounds like he was a wonderful husband. I know you will always miss him but I hope it hurts less and less each day.

  6. Wow sewing machines have come a long way. When I was a kid I had a good play with my mother's sewing machine and loused up all the settings. The best shot I pulled was when I plugged the foot treadle directly into the wall cord. Unbelievably they had the same style plugs on them, just opposite gender. All was well until I stepped on the treadle . Poof, a big spark and cloud of black smoke, and it blew the fuse. I welded the slider to the resistive element. My dad was able to fix the treadle but it always had a rough spot where the parts welded. My mother was not pleased with my sewing machine experiments. Very nice looking jacket. Cool machine.

    1. You may have to join Arkansas Patti in the jail cell reserved for sewing machine abusers.

  7. That jacket is just lovely. Great job, Olga. My mother was a seamstress (hobby) and my father a tailor (occupation), but I don't have any talent for sewing. Nor the patience.

    1. Wow, must be one of those genes that skips a generation??

  8. Now I understand the lack of love I have for my machine and why I am being considered for sewing machine abuse charges. I don't have a cool and smart one like you do.
    Wonderful job on the jacket.

    1. Didn't Dante have a special level in Hell for sewing machine abusers?

  9. Bravo on your new jacket! Very excellent! Your Necchi sounds fabulous. My Bernina does not have that feature or the buttonhole thing. Then again it has something,but I just haven't done a buttonhole in such a long time. I'm so sorry for your sadness, Olga. I wish he was with you right now too.

  10. Is this what you meant to say, "Of curse the cutting step generates a great deal of lint.." because it does sound like it could be a "curse". lol I just wish I could sew. If someone gave me a sewing machine it wouldn't make a difference. It would only be a decorative item in my home.

    Oh yes, I know you miss your Mike. You need not even mention it. You miss him around every corner. You fall asleep in front of the TV and when you open you eyes, you expect to see him sitting in the room with you. Bless you my sweet friend.

  11. It's fitting you miss him, but he taught you a lot!
    You are such a great role model.
    Good for you.

  12. Great machine! I am also very fond of my Husquvarna. My Overlocker machine however, is an elderly Toyota, with no thick/thin fabric tolerance. I spend all my time re-threading it. Great jacket. I feel inspired - am busy with a quilt (been 'busy' too long). Still cutting out squares of all matching material in my closet.


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