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I have had no further revelations from my bath towel.  Please bear with me as I travel the path of my new reality.

I would like to assure you all that I will not be sharing anymore startling discoveries brought to be courtesy of inanimate objects, but of course you probably know me better than that.

I was in Bed, Bath and Beyond last week and there were some really lux towels there whispering, "Buy ME!  Buy me!" but I resisted their siren song.

We see what we want to see; we hear what we want to hear.

I had a lovely weekend.  Mike's sister came for a visit.  We talked, ate, and drank some wine.  We went to downtown Burlington and cruised some shops, went out for lunch and took in a movie.  We saw Captain Phillips with Tom Hanks--really enjoyed it.

Now it is back to the "work" week.  I have bills to pay.  I have to call the chimney company again because the caps keep getting blown off the chimneys.  I have to arrange for the garage door to get fixed.  A spring broke on the automatic door opener.  I thought I was pretty darn strong, but I cannot lift it myself.  Luckily it has double doors so I can get in and out.  I have downed lilac branches to pick up and take to the stump dump and more yard and garden bedding to do.  Then there is the library which I neglected last week, card making group, and poetry group.  I will absolutely have to get to a grocery store in the next day or two.  To think--at one time I had a job, too.


  1. Isn't it amazing when we think that we once had to fit a job into our daily routines! I know there's some principle that says we are always able to fill in the empty gaps of our time! Sounds as if you're quite busy -- don't overdo!

  2. My sister is retiring next week. I told her after a month she will wonder how she ever had time to work!

  3. And Olga, you can't leave us hanging ... what did YOU see in the towel??

    1. I clearly saw the word seek. It jumped out at me.

  4. It's nice to keep busy, isn't it. Better than brooding about the past. Glad you had a good time with Mike's sister.

  5. Bath store eh?
    Well good to learn you are so busy just wish things were not broken.

  6. Ooh, I will have to go back to look at that towel.
    I can so relate. How did we get everything done and work too? Maybe having more energy was a help plus we now have the luxury of procrastination if we chose.

  7. Ok, maybe a couple of e's but that is all I got.

  8. All of us will follow along -- just remember - it is your journey, only you can drive.

    And I am so with you on the to do list -- how did I do all this and work?

  9. You have a lot to do on that list. I'm glad you had some down time. Will you take care of all the yard work yourself?

    1. My son comes over to help me. Oh, and the wind blows away most of the leaves.

  10. You've been a busy woman. Well done.

  11. I sometimes surprise myself with what I'm actually capable of doing. Including calling repair people.

  12. I had to google it, but there is a Parkinson`s law that states ``"work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion`` I actually think it isn`t true, but simply that we find additional tasks when we have the time to do so, ones that otherwise would have gone undone. For example, when I have a crazy busy day at work...the dishes in the sink can wait!
    Good luck with the to-do list!

  13. Seek and you will find. I went back to seek out the towel, and sure enough, I saw what you saw.
    I think it's good to have a good healthy to-do list. Busy is good. just as long as you don't have to get them all done right away. Time pressure is not fun. That's what we left when we retired.

  14. Reading your to do list tuckered my out...time for a nap. How in the world did we ever work jobs and still manage to get all this stuff done?

    Glad you had a nice visit with your sister in law.

  15. Glad that you are keeping busy. I agree that sometimes it's hard to believe that I ever found time to work. But the neat thing about retirement is that I only have to 'answer to me'. So if things get too crazy, I can say... "That's not going to happen... at least not today... " and go take a nap!

  16. Whew, you're makin' me tired! Want to see Capt. Phillips, but just saw "A Hijacking" about the crew of a Danish cargo ship that's hijacked by Somali pirates. So, I think I'll wait till it goes on Netflix.

  17. Wow. And I thought I had a lot to do. You do sound busy, and those are all the kinds of errand-y things I hate. I bid you strength for the journey.

  18. Sounds you had a great week end. After weekends going to work means feel lazy..

  19. What? The towels are talking to you now? I'm calling in a psych evaluation, Olga! You sound busy. That's good.

  20. Did you tell us what you saw in the towels? I'm awfully curious.


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