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Why is the World so Wacky?

Okay, the debt ceiling has been lifted and the government is open again.  Time to celebrate?  It's a temporary fix.   How is it different than the last time?  How will it be different in a few months?

Ted Cruz? Seriously?  I believe he is a Disney animatron escaped from Orlando.  Michele Bachmann?  Prove to me that she is not one of the original Stepford wives.

Affordable health care??  When I was poor and struggling, I didn't have health insurance.  Why should I pay taxes for someone else to have it now?  Progress?  That's a part of it surely must be bad.  (Sheldon: "Sarcasm?")

Facebook has opened itself to public sharing by they can have a voice in the causes important to them.  I do hope Malala Yousafzai has an account.

And speaking of teens, a Massachusetts school stripped a girl of her position as a sports team captain because she went to pick up a friend who had been drinking and needed a ride home.  Let no good deed go unpunished.

I do appreciate people offering their condolences, but I don't understand why some have to say things like, "I know you are a good Christian, so..."  Well as it happens, no, I am not a Christian.  I am a good and spiritual person, but why does anyone have to speculate on my religion?  And get it wrong?  That just strikes me as slightly rude.  Even so, I do not turn away anyone's prayers or positive vibrations.

The definition of compromise is to settle a dispute through mutual concessions.
"If you refuse to do it my way, you are not compromising," does not quite cut it.  On either side.  Just saying.

Comforting to know that a plane can still fly with only one functioning engine. There is always a news story in the week before I have to fly somewhere.

Smart guns on the news tonight.  I predicted that.

Maybe I am the wacky one and the rest of the world is all okay.


  1. Well if you're the wacky one, that makes two of us. What ever happened to common sense and basic arithmetic. Am I so old that I am totally losing touch with reality. Or is reality fantasy?

  2. I'm picking up good vibrations! Just sayin', as one who vibrates rather than praying. I'm sensing the old Olga spunk! Yes!
    I've heard a lot of wacky lately. You are not wacky.

  3. Wacky? That's a good way of putting it. Lol.

  4. If you're wacky, so am I. Seriously, the Republicans need to take their party back from the Tea Party. If they don't they will be destroyed from within. They have to remember the art of compromise, again. But, they won't be able to with the Tea Party trying to bring down the government.

  5. Extremism is bad no matter whether it comes from a liberal or a conservative. Progress is always in the middle and good religious practices are the same...accepting of all religious beliefs.

  6. Yikes Olga, you're on a roll. You go girl!

    1. I don't know what comes over me sometimes.

  7. I laughed out loud -- this was awesome! And if you are Wacky there seems to be quite a few other Wacky Grandmas who agree with you! Did you read where Wal-mart has fired an employee for coming to the defense of a lady being attacked in the parking lot while he was on break? He violated their policy against workplace violence! Like they say -- You can't make this stuff up!

    1. Well, the attacker, not being and employee, was clearly not their corporate concern. As for the victim...tough luck for her, I guess. Such caring.

  8. Today's headlines are enough to get anyone's dander up. I am actually grateful for the tea party. It is weakening the whole Republican party and that is maybe a good thing. The old "house divided" theory.

    1. I remind myself that George Aiken (former VT senator) was a Republican. James Jeffords was as well for quite some time and I liked him a lot. He must have seen what was coming though.

  9. That was quite the rant! Some of it I understood, though I don't follow American politics very much. You made me laugh and I needed that!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Not following American politics is quite wise.

  10. Lovely post Olga. Somehow I missed this until today. The girl driving her friend home should probably be charged with driving with alcohol in the car. The fact that the alcohol was inside her friend should make no difference. We need zero tolerance because that requires zero thinking and thinking is a dangerous concept.

    1. Fortunately, the effort to stamp out thinking seems to be amazingly successful. So glad that the schools are participating in the effort.


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