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Last week I was up early each day, but today I slept until after 8.  What a slug.  Then I completely frittered the rest of the morning away and accomplished nothing of meaning or worth.   It was just as well because I was around for my phone interview with Social Security.  It was on my calendar, but I also like to go out to weed on Monday mornings and I would have forgotten about the scheduled phone call if I had not been so sluggish.

I went outside at noon to discover that it was very warm!  I hopped on the lawn mower and got that task taken care of for a couple of weeks.  I will maybe mow once more before I try to figure out how to store the lawn tractor for the winter.  I know that I am not going to try to put it up on blocks and grease the innards of the thing the way Mike did.  He kept track of the hours of use and maintained it on schedule.

I suppose I could read the manual that is on his work bench out in the garage.  Dealing with machinery other than my sewing machine has not made it to my weekly schedule.  I am not all that sure that I want it to either.  I am not even taking the snow blower out of the shed.  Some machines just scare me.

Anyway, I got the lawn done and went to the library and it clouded over and started to pour.  The temperature dropped dramatically.

I have a writers' group meeting tonight so I will have to go out again.  It is now dark and gloomy and I long for my pajamas and a cup of SleepyTime Tea.  I will feel better for meeting with my writer friends, however, so I will make the meeting and do the tea thing later.  My own writing has suffered greatly, but I will still go to be with the group.  It is important.


  1. Seize the day! Have fun with your writers group.

    1. As I knew would be the case, it was well worth the effort of getting out of the house on a dreary, rainy night.

  2. Give yourself permission to take it easy. You're looking at big changes. We always hire someone to do it up. Neither of us know how to do what we're supposed to do. Our same guy does the snowblower and the lawn tractor. Eventually we might hire someone to do the 100m driveway, but meantime I can handle it. Hubby cannot, with his back. Life changing issues.

    1. I just leave the state when there is snow around. It is easier that way.

  3. It really is very important to go out and be with people. There are days when I actually consider skipping my zumba class, but I force myself to go and am always glad to be there with friends again.

    I really admire how you're doing all these things that Mike did, Olga! That is such an accomplishment.

    1. Mike and I shared most things around the house. Even though he paid most of the bills, he always kept me up to speed on financial matters and when and why he did things around the house. I found a checklist for closing up the house for the winter in his desk. He did not leave things to chance and he is not going to let me do that either.

  4. Maintaining the machinery sounds like a job for a shop, not something you need to learn. Maybe you can find someone who needs the work and will make house calls.
    It's easy to get bogged down for a day, but I no doubt you'll get yourself going again soon.

    1. I know I just need to learn who to hire for some of the stuff I fret about. He did show me how to clean and oil my sewing machine and emphasized the importance of that maintenance. I did learn to do that quite well. I do have an appointment for a furnace check later this month. If we get early snow, I will just stay home.

  5. Being out with friends will help make life easier. Hope you can find someone to do that snow blowing for you this year.

    1. My neighbor has a snow plow. He's signed up already since he has done it since we started going to FL. Mike was more compulsive about clearing snow than I will likely ever be, but i can use a shovel. Don't love it, but I can do it.

  6. You are doing fine. The tractor won't fall apart if it misses an oil change. Do what you can and don't sweat the small stuff...and I have heard that it is all small stuff. You will figure it out as you go and the world will continue to spin.

    If your writing has suffered, I haven't detected it. I think you are handling your situation with grace and aplomb. Bless you Olga.

    1. Oh, thanks, That is nice of you to say. I did get complimented on the writing I submitted (a poem. I am very into poems) so maybe there is something to be said for writing close to the bone. I feel like I am writing random thoughts without much purpose...except the purpose is that it helps me feel better.

    2. Well if it is making you feel better, I can't think of a better reason to write random thoughts with no purpose, close to the bone or otherwise. Soldier on!

  7. Machinery and I do not mix -- never did. So I understand your trepidation about those tools. Enjoy your writing group.

  8. I'm glad you have a writers group. They are the best. I love mine.


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