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Long Drive

I have made the 1500+ mile trip from Vermont to Florida.  There was heavy traffic on the first two days, but Sunday (the longest drive) was clear sailing.  I stopped in Georgia and had a brief visit with Mike's daughter and her family.

Thank God for Garmin.

I found out that there has been a lot of rain here in Florida this past summer.  I spent some time today hacking back the shrubs gone wild.  I took care of the house insurance and FL Comcast (which was way, way easier than what I went through in Vermont).  I had the air conditioner serviced.  Tomorrow I will look into having the tree guy come out and I need to find someone to take out a bunch of concrete blocks in the back yard that were meant to be a patio, but just serves to irritate me when I see it.  Maybe that job will wait until winter.

Maybe the day after that, I will just relax.  I don't think I am ready to handle going to the beach though.  Mike LOVED the beach and I know it will be hard to go there without him.  Maybe that will wait until the winter as well.

I did go to get my hair cut today.  That was badly needed.  Actually the guy who cuts my hair here in FL said that my hair looked better than he has ever seen it after an extended time in Vermont.  Funny because I have been cutting it myself since last spring.  He really does a great haircut.

My plan is to leave the Ford here and fly back on Monday.  I made an appointment for my next haircut in December.  I am anxious about the flight, but glad that I will not be driving that distance again so soon.


  1. That's amazing you were able to do such a long drive. I couldn't, yet I often wish I could. (we spend winters in Florida also). Kudos to you.

    1. The truck traffic was not as bad as I have seen it be sometimes, but there were a couple of accidents that slowed things down.

  2. Holy Mackerel, Hannah!!!! You are amazing. I don't know if I would have been able to make that trip alone. I admire your spunk. Enjoy a little sunshine while you're there.

    1. Now that is a brand new expression for me. I will have to remember it and bring it out at one of the card making parities.

  3. I'm glad you made it safely. That is quite a long drive to make by yourself. I can only imagine how glad you are not to make it again real soon. Take care. Hugs.

    1. Bittersweet to do--a trip that Mike and I made eleven times or more together.

  4. Thatta girl! Mike would be proud of you. Safe flight back to VT.

  5. I'm impressed I get nervous driving long distances. You are clearly braver than I. Enjoy the sunshine

  6. You are so brave, Olga. I really admire you. I wish I could be as strong as you.

  7. Well I may be the only one, but I am a little green with envy for the drive. I love long drives--although maybe not the particular geography and traffic that you had to go through. I despise flying...good luck with the flight back.

  8. Like Sextant, I envy the drive. I will be heading to Florida for a visit in Dec and can't wait to hit the road. What you do that I just really can't do is fly. No Way. Hope you get in a little fun time before you fly back.

  9. What a long drive solo. Don't work too hard - be sure to enjoy some sun and R&R - before flying north again.

  10. I'm one of those who loves to drive -- as long as that doesn't mean being stuck on the San Diego freeway in rush hour which really equates to being parked! Hope you have a safe trip home.

  11. There is nothing like a great hair cut to make you feel good about yourself. I am impressed you cut it yourself for a while. That's something I could never do. Lol.

    1. The hair dresser was not being mean. He really does a great cut and he takes an hour to do it. If I leave the salon in under 30 minutes, I know I am going to hate the cut. It just means someone is not working with the waves and the cowlicks.

  12. What's your secret for getting around the traffic-hell-that-is Washington-DC? Anyway, glad you made it and remember, flying is safer than driving, so no need to worry.

    1. Go West, young man, go west. I took 81 to 85 to 77 (to visit family), then non- interstate through Georgia until I picked up I75 South.

  13. I'm so impressed with your courage. I'm sure there were some heart-rending moments, but perhaps, with time, you'll be able to renew your love of being a snowbird.

  14. Dear Olga,
    Grandma Kc just told me about you and your amazing blog. She is concerned about us both. She just read my blog post about losing my husband...the first I've able to write since he died two months ago; August 19....the day after yours. Can you believe it? I've read about your Mike and how he suffered and struggled till the end. My Jim just laid down for a nap and never woke up. He turned 70 in January. I am slowly finding a new normal; busy with my grandkids and substitute teaching. I have not been on any blogs or even my Facebook page since it happened......but now I'm ready and Oh how comforting it has been to finally be able to write again. Please accept my condolences and email me or contact me on my blog if you have any words of wisdom in the hard, sad time of our lives. Love and Hugs,

  15. Good for you making that long trip by car! I drove about four hundred miles round trip this week (200 each trip) and that wore me out.


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