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Green Up Day

Not everything is beautiful about spring following a long winter.  There can be quite a lot of trash along the road.

Isn't it wonderful that there are some who are so incredibly neat that they cannot keep their hamburger wrappers in the car for as long as it would take to get to a trash receptacle?  And what about the guy who tosses his two beer bottles out the window on the way home from work each and every week night?  I bet his family is really fooled and don't notice the alcohol on his breath at all.

Today is Vermont's official Green Up Day.  There are lots of folks out picking up trash along the roads.  It's a great effort.  Too bad they have to do it year after year.

Thanks to all who care.


  1. I really do credit Lady Bird Johnson for giving America a consciousness to keeping our country clean. It's an ongoing effort, but so worth it.

    1. You are right. It is a Lady Bird legacy.

  2. Here too. I am sorely tempted to put a big sign out by my mailbox saying:
    "I am expecting a Mother's Day card from all of you since I have been picking up after you all year."

    1. What are people thinking? It is just not okay to throw trash in someone's yard.

  3. We went walking today at a place I haven't been to in years. I was sad to see so much trash. I guess I need to carry a little bag with me to pick up after others next time. Sad, but true, you must do it year after year.

    1. I have gone out with a bag often. Lately, though, some of the steep banks have just gotten to be too much. There were lots and lots of volunteers out this year.

  4. Sad how much trash is thrown out of vehicles every day! Living on a very busy hwy I see and pick up a lot in front of the North Forty.
    The last three days we have had very high winds and a lot of trash has now blown all over these pastures out here. I have a lot of work ahead of me the next few days.
    Made the mistake and left one of my favorite straw hats on the front porch and now it's missing I figure it is three counties away.
    Sorry did not mean to go on and on.
    Hope you have a Beautiful Sunday.


    1. It was so windy in FL last March and then windy here in VT since we have been back. It is getting tiresome.

  5. Amazing how some people think they can just throw their trash any where with no regard to our environment and no thought to someone else having to pick up after them. grrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. We used to teach anti-littering in school, and things looked a lot better. Now we just teach reading and math, but apparently not very effectively, since no one seems to be able to read the fines of littering signs, and it's the trash that multiplies. And of course we have no money for enforcing those anti-littering fines anyway.
    This is a very sore topic with me.

  7. I know what you mean. We clean ditches with our ATV club. The things we find are disgusting. My only wish is that those who feel the need to toss everything out of their car, they would just drop it out the window, instead of pitching it as far as they can. It seems us retirees are the only ones who clean up behind them, and our knees and hips really suffer from climbing up and down the ditches!!! Just saying..............

  8. Our mayor just signed into law a bill making it illegal to let your house and yard become ugly. Fine is $5,000. It is also illegal to dumb bulky trash on the sidewalks too far in advance of bulky pickup. Fine is $250 for first offense, $500 for 2nd offense, etc. I love these new laws!

    1. I hope that they do get enforced. Of course "ugly" can be like beauty--in the eye of the beholder.

  9. I do hate pigs and it is not a great effort to recycle.


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