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A year ago (April 29, 2012, to be exact) I replaced my old Oreck vacuum with a eureka! AS 1100-AS1109 Series vacuum.  I bought it at Sears for around $200.  It is very heavy.  I am a physically average-strength woman, but lugging that thing around is a chore.  On the plus side, it really beat the dust and sand out of my carpets.  That is until a plastic part that is a part of the beater bar assembly gave a loud CRACK. 

Mike did his best to fix it, but there just was no fix.  His opinion is that it is criminal to sell such poorly made, cheaply made merchandise.  I guess I got what I paid for.

The motor still works.  The vacuum sucks up the surface dirt, but I am certainly not getting my bang for my cleaning buck.  Keep in mind that we were in Florida for four and a half  months over the past year.

Don’t you just hate it when things like this happen?  I am sorry, eureka!, but I am giving you two thumbs down on this one.

Anyone out there have a recommendation for a reliable vacuum cleaner?  I guess I am in the market.


  1. Good luck! We have had our Panasonic upright vacuum cleaner for more than 5 years and it has done a decent job for us.

  2. Try contacting the company and see what they will do for you. It should have lasted longer than a year.

  3. I agree with Mitzi, at the very least they should be able to advise who might be able to repair the machine in your area (and they should pay for it), or better still replace the machine.

    I have two vacuums, one is a canister Shark Infinity and the other is an upright Bissell Powergroom. The upright is far to heavy for me to lug upstairs so I only use it when one of the kids are around to carry it for me. It works best on carpets. The Shark Infinity is supposed to be good for pet hair, though I must say I like the Bissell better. I use the Infinity when I can't get the other one up the stairs. It used to have a beater bar attachment but that broke and I wasn't paying what they wanted to replace it.

    Good luck!

  4. We buy the Sears brand at Sears. They at least last longer than yours did.

    1. I did have a Sears canister that seemed to be decent. I do prefer an upright. I tend to trip over those canister vacs and hurt myself. The life of a klutz.

  5. I have a Dyson Cyclone and it is 7 years old and never going to quit so that I can have an excuse to get the new Dyson Ball. I must admit I love my Dyson. I also want a new red KitchenAid mixer -- but the white one I have had for 20 years is never going to quit either!

    1. Appliance paint? I guess that would not be quite the same.

  6. I sort of view vacuum cleaners like toasters. You can spend a lot of money and have toast, or you can spend a little bit of money and have toast. Its toast either way, and most likely you will not repair an expensive toaster. We have had three sweepers in 35 years. Two Sears cheapies that were a fraction of the cost of the expensive Hoover we bought. The Hoover worked a bit better than the cheapies when it was new, but not for the difference in cost. Both of the Sears cheapies lasted about as long as the Hoover did. We go with cheapies, when they break we buy another cheapie. While our vacuuming experience may not be as richly rewarding as some of the highly engineered machines advertised by people with British accents, what we have found is that you plug it in, push it around and voila! The carpet is clean. Maybe we have to push it around 10 minutes instead of 9.

    1. I have had really cheap vacuums and really expensive ones over the years. Now I am quite particular about what I want. I definitely need a certain level of quality in the materials--the motor because Mike will maintain/work on that and the casing because I cannot stand things falling off as I use it and cords fraying. I paid more than I wanted for the last one, but it had air flow technology and I wanted it for that reason. It looked and "felt" cheap though and I should have paid attention to that feeling as well.

  7. I have heard great things about the Dyson, but never owned one. We had Hoovers, Eurekas, and Orecks over the years. All lasted a good long time. Now with 6 cats in the house, we no longer have carpet... but slate and wood floors. Makes house-keeping easier. But if I had to try another, I would probably go Dyson.

  8. I agree that the manufacturer should do something for you. I have a Sears canister that has lasted for years and is relatively light.
    Vacuuming is my most hated household chore. I just had a shiver down my back thinking about it.

  9. Maybe a look online could find the whole assembly piece that broke. I can't do the vacuuming anymore, but my husband likes our Hoover. My daughter has three (no lie) Dyson's and she likes them a lot!

  10. I contacted the company and they e-mailed a number for me to call with a reference number. I don't know if I have the energy for that.

  11. Here's what you do you Facebook about it, twitter about it. Keep blogging about it and get all your friends to repost until they cme to you.

  12. Also, post about it on their Facebook page

  13. Olga,

    My name is Susan with Sears Social Media Support Escalations Team. We are a single point of contact for escalated issues which means we handle issues from start to finish with one dedicated case manager. I found your post here and wanted to reach out and offer our sincere apologies for the difficulties you are having with your Eureka Vacuum. We would like to speak with you and look into this issue further to help resolve this situation. At your convenience please contact our office via email at and a dedicated case manager will contact you directly. In the email, please provide a contact phone number and the phone number the Eureka Vacuum was purchased under (if different than the contact phone number) and we will call you directly. Also, in your email, please provide your screen name (Olga) you used to post on this site, for reference to your issue, and we do look forward to talking to you soon.

    Thank you,

    Susan R.
    Social Media Moderator
    Sears Social Media Support


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