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Garden Work

I have hired a new person to do the weeding while we are gone for the summer months.  I have a planter in the front that I have been nursing along this winter and there are a few shrubs that I will mulch around.  Still weeds will pop up especially in the rainy season.  I have put in a small herb patch in the back.  The park association hires lawn mowing, but weeding is up to individual property owners.

We hired a woman last summer, but she did not feel she could continue.  I think at 82, God love her, she can retire.  She did a great job, though.  She kept us off the bulletin board of shame.

Honestly, there was someone who went around last summer and took pictures of people's weeds and posted them at the club house.  I thought that was pretty rude. that I think of it...might be fun to post a display of tacky lawn ornaments.  Where did Mike hide that camera?


  1. Too bad you don't have Tom & Linda Reeder near you. You might find a beautiful garden upon your return. I'm not that into gardening. Perhaps if I'd ever gardened where it wasn't hotter than hades (Texas) I might enjoy it. In Oregon I have no space for gardening, only a few container plants.

    1. I am always in jaw-dropping awe of the Reeder garden.

  2. Ahh the neighborhood snoops. We had a neighborhood association suing a couple because ....gasp! they had colored Christmas lights up.

    When the day comes that I don't have anything better to do that go around and photograph people's weeds, that is the day I hope God strikes me dead. Although I have to agree tacky lawn ornaments are worthy of derision.

  3. At first, I thought it was rude, but the more I thought about it, understanding ensued. I would not want to live near or next to a house that was unmowed or overgrown with weeds.
    Oh yeah, I did!!
    We have an absent neighbor who began renovating his house, then quit. What a mess. The town sued, imposed penalties, and tried to take over the property, but we were still living there while things got bad. Finally, my husband and another neighbor took over and mowed/weeded the property until the town hired someone. So, maybe I can be a little sympathetic with those 'rude' neighbors.

    1. There are rules about maintaining the property here and I do agree with them. However, it is an older population in the park. Usually if someone is seeming neglectful, it is because they are no longer able to take care and there are procedures in place to contact families and even volunteers who will do the weeding. The person who took the pictures is plain mean spirited.

  4. Gee, she was weeding at 82 and here I am thinking of hanging up my hoe at 73. That has inspired me to keep on hoeing.
    The good thing here is that my neighbors are cows. They aren't fussy.

    1. I hope to be so spry! Oh, and she has the most beautiful skin. Some people have good genes.

  5. Linda Reeder checking in, having had previous mention from that other Linda.
    I appreciate the fact that you will have someone care for your place while you are gone. Keeping up appearances is an act of kindness for the others around, and besides, it sets a good example.

    1. Our major concern for weeds are those that sprout up in the stone walkway that leads to the shed. I supply a homemade concoction to spray there--a gallon of cider vinegar, a cup of table salt, and a few drops of Dawn liquid--works better than commercial sprays.

  6. Sometimes I just have to chuckle as to what gets peoples shorts in a knot. So glad you won't be on the wall of shame this summer~~~

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love it! You had an 82 year old gardener? My mother will love hearing that too. She happens to be our gardener and expert weeder.


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