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Time on my hands…

I admit it.  I am one of those people who cannot stop picking up rocks and shells.  These round ones came from the beach in Jerusalem, Rhode Island.  What can I say.  They make me happy.  Some of us are easily amused.

I was doing laundry today.  I have written before about my homemade laundry detergent.  It does a great cleaning job.  I have not used bleach all summer and my white sneaker socks are still white.  I do still have a half gallon bottle of bleach left over though.

So, while I was in the laundry room I decided to fill my compost bucket with warm water and add some bleach as it was getting moldy around the edges.  I thought I was exceptionally careful, but of course there are two big bleach spots on my dark shirt.  I hate that.  Not amused at all. 

Tomorrow is packing up day and we will leave for a month in Florida on Saturday morning.  We are taking so little with us this time that Mike has not even done a “practice packing” of the car.  Do others do that?  Practice packing the car?  Of course the last two trips down were so loaded that the packing did require something close to completing a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle and Mike did it without giving up the ability to use the rear view mirror so I do give him credit.


  1. Never practiced packed a car. Doing it once is usully bad enough! But I do collect stones and pebbles. I keep them in a box and like to run my hands and fingers thru them -- helps my carpal tunnel and my arthritic fingers.

  2. I collect shells, stones, feathers, nuts and seeds and sometimes pieces of vine or wood. I don't really collect anything else, but they seem to be "touchstones" to the earth and provide me with an inner piece.

  3. I too ruined a navy blue summer top, when I was bleaching sheets, I use to makd little girl's nightgowns. Save travels, and I hope you find everything in order when you get there!!

  4. I have had family members do that -practice packing. Stones are beautiful.

  5. Of course I don't practice pack. I don't even pack. I just open the trunk and throw things in.

  6. Olga, I too pick up rocks, stones, acorns, etc. Guess I'm fascinated with nature. I'd rather have a rock from a beach in Ireland than any other souvenir...

  7. Have a fantastic trip and vacation. I never actually practiced packing a car, but my never-ending lists included what goes where. I always collected shells -- not many stones, though.

  8. First I pledge to behave myself.

    Male penguins supposedly will give their mates pretty stones. My wife and I used to walk in one of the local parks. We walked past a large pile of river gravel, much the same thing you show in your picture. I would always stop and find her a lucky stone...and often got...well never mind.

    When I was in the service I stopped at a beach some where in the Big Sur in California. The whole beach was these beautiful surf polished absolutely black pebbles. Basalt I imagine. I kept a handful. They were the most beautiful pebbles I have ever seen. Looked like large black jelly beans.

  9. Oh, gosh, I don't collect anything and that makes me feel inadequate! But I do HAVE some white spots on a towel from not being careful with bleach! Does that balance out?

  10. No practice packing here. We are too lazy and too unorganized. Have a safe journey.

  11. I love pretty stones too. I was in Santa Barbara yesterday and couldn't resist bring home a lovely little stone with finger size groove worn into it.

    Have a safe drive!

  12. My husband is the best at packing the car. He can see just how the pieces should fit, so I leave it to him!

  13. Olga, If Bob did a practice pack, we'd never get on the road! Already he's so meticulous that I try to stay far, far away from the car! Hope you're having fun in FL. We're on our way to Moab tonight, staying in Carbondale CO. There is snow on the peaks of the pass we must cross tomorrow. You gotta love Fall in CO!

  14. We have done a lot of traveling this summer and spring. I always end up with too much at my feet. There's the knitting bag, my purse and my bag with books. We are still traveling with a teen so the back seat is his sleeping area and also we try to squeeze a small cooler on the floor too. Yikes! Glad you were able to travel with lots less this time! Can you post your recipe for your home made laundry detergent. I would love to try it!

  15. I love your rocks.

    That's too funny about "practice packing" the car. That sounds like something my youngest, the master packer, would do. In fact, I bet she HAS done it. I'll have to ask her.

    Enjoy your time away!


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