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Some Knitting

I finished this shawlette and I have to say I am quite happy with it. It's kind of like a triangular scarf which could come in handy now that our summer is over (?!) and the temperature is supposed to drop into the 40's tonight.
 Mike kept asking, "Are you still knitting that?  I've never seen you take so long to finish something."  I don't think that is really true.  It did take me a while to figure out how to read the chart that was part of the instructions.  It's the directionality thing.  I ended up going to the shop where I bought the yarn (which is a fine merino wool from Italy and I love the color) and someone there walked my through the first repetition of the pattern and then I was good to go.  I'm convinced that pattern charts are upside down and backwards so I always have a hard time with them.  Maybe it's my brain that is upside down and backwards, though.

Some patterns are strangely specific.  I was looking a pattern yesterday that specified "one red marker, one green marker, and one of another color."  Now, I had just not seen that before.  Is there significance to the color marker used?  I'd rejected the pattern before I read through the whole thing.  Maybe it's like in boating--"right on red, returning"--another concept that eludes me entirely.  If I'm just starting out, do I go to the left?  It really is a wonder I can find my way out of bed in the morning.


  1. I never learned to knit. That color is wonderful on you!

  2. Gorgeous shawlette. Olga, is there anything you CAN'T do, other than follow directions?

  3. Non-knitter here also but loved the shawlette and your big smile wearing it. Kenju is right, great color on you especially That has to be Florida tan--40 degrees??? A very jealous "YIKES" here.

  4. Wow, you really found your color and did a beautiful job on the shawlette. We aren't in the 40s yet but do get down into the 50s at night. I just love it.

    Thanks also for the wonderful muffin recipe.


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