We put in a few hours of deck stripping today. My usual mode of attack is to keep going and going until I can't move anymore, but Mike is all about doing a section at a time and stopping before the job seems overwhelming. This is a good thing in that there are still the other things that need to get done--meals, laundry, basic clean-ups in kitchen and bath. Everything else is going to pile up and I'll need a solid week of housework to tidy up the inside and outside. Cleaning one thing always seems to make something else dirty. We are making progress but it is slow and it is a grind. This may tu
rn into a summer long project.
Some of my irises bloomed out yesterday. That made me happy.
I'm still nursing tomato and cucumber plants in my basement window. At least the deck project keeps me from putting them out prematurely.
Mike is sitting down with a beer. I am going to relax by heading out to the garden store for a look around. "Idea" shopping.
Some of my irises bloomed out yesterday. That made me happy.
I'm still nursing tomato and cucumber plants in my basement window. At least the deck project keeps me from putting them out prematurely.
Mike is sitting down with a beer. I am going to relax by heading out to the garden store for a look around. "Idea" shopping.
Got to admit I like Mike's approach. I even mow my yard like that. I used to be like you but retirement taught me that there is always tomorrow. Plus, I don't take pain like I used to.