Thanks for the thoughts of concern and caring, everyone. I asked a friend to come by and look to see if I had a tick bite. She was sure it was a bite, but maybe not a tick. She took the picture and showed it to her husband who grew up in tick country. He said, "definitely a tick bite." So she called me and suggested (ordered😀) I go to Urgent Care. I went to the Urgent Care and announced to the nurse and then the doctor there that I had thought I had the flu but then I noticed this (turning and lifting my shirt). The nurse said, "I'll get the doctor, but I don't think you have the flu." The doctor then heard my tale and said, "That is definitely A Lyme rash and since you are reporting fever and other flu like symptoms, I am calling in a prescription for Doxycycline hyaclate immediately. You don't have flu." So there were questions and answers and then I stopped at the pharmacy on my way home and took the first dose. The doctor did no...
"A grandma is just an antique little girl"...unknown